Do not be afraid of being multilingual!

La Oreja de Europa is writing this post in English with some parts in French and Spanish, following the initiative launched by Antonia to celebrate the European Multilingual Blogging Day 2012 today. So we decided for once to write in some different languages than Spanish to show that speaking and writing in another languages is not so difficult, especially about EU issues. We apologise in advance for the grammar mistakes that you can read here. We believe that it is most important to be understood. We anyway hope that we achieve our main objective. Just let us know your comments below if you find any mistakes.
Nowadays, the EU information is mostly provided in English. It is, therefore, quite easy to post in English about this subject. However, it is a difficult information which should be even "translated" into "citizens terms". It is still difficult to understand and thus, difficult to show to people. You could imagine how difficult is when you have to translate the EU information  into another language and make it accurate and reliable.
C'est pour ceci que aujourd'hui, nous avons décidé d'écrire sur des sites qui vient d'être lancées ou ont été récemment mises au marche par la Commissionne Européenne et qui sont mises à disposition du publique dans tous les langues officielles de la UE. De plus en plus, il y a des mariages "transnationales", c'est-à-dire, des mariages entre couples des diffèrent pays, mais aussi, des couples qui ont déménagé dans un autre pays de la UE. Cependant, les lois et même les droits, ne sont pas les mêmes pour les mariages à l'intérieur de la UE. La Commissionne Européenne a mis pourtant en place un site web qui montre de façon multilingue tous les différents droits en ce que concerne les mariages et les divorces, finalement, la vie en couple.
The Commission also recently launched a website on succession matters. Same problem as related above: there is not a common law for Europeans on this topic. For this reason, the European Commission decided to explain our rights if "something happens to us" in another EU country than ours. This website is also a multilingual web, with all the national laws and rights explained in the 23 EU official languages.
We wonder why the Commission does not do this more often regardless the cost. If the EU wants to reach its own citizens,  it should be done in their languages. There is no reason to be afraid of being multilingual. Actually, on the contrary: the advantages are huge, ranging from learning more about other cultures to have a better job.
Mais aussi la Commissionne et les autres institutions ne doivent pas avoir peur d'être "multilingue". Si nous avons pu faire ce post en plusieurs langues, nous sommes surs qu'elles poudrant faire des nouvelles ou dépêches aussi en plusieurs langues.
Quizás este post anime a nuestros lectores a "no tener miedo de ser multilingues" y aunque utilicen las herramientas disponibles en Internet para traducir, estamos seguros que leerán este post, unos por curiosidad y otros, por no tener miedo de querer conocer otros idiomas.
Happy Multilingual Day! Joyeux Multilingue Jour! ¡Feliz Día Multilingue!
